Welcome to GraceLife London's blog

GraceLife Women

As I sat in class this evening at the "Seminary Wives Discipleship"group, I thought again just how blessed I am to be here learning how to please the Lord. 

It has been an incredible joy and a humbling experience these last three years, to sit under the teaching of such godly ladies. It's so fantastic to know that it is possible to discipline our lives, homes, tongues and even our thoughts... and it's been wonderful to look back and realize how the Lord has been changing me through His word! 

This week we were learning more about how to serve, teach and equip the women in our churches the "Titus 2" way!  What a passage! Praise God that His Word contains all the truths and priorities for life as a Christian woman. We can know what God expects, what He regards as 'fitting' or 'proper' for our lives and we are not left to the mercy of the opinions expressed in women's magazines or live talk-shows!

I am so excited at the prospect of passing on to other ladies what I've been learning, and as it says in Titus 2:3-5 teaching what is 'good' from God's powerful and unchanging Word. 

We are really looking forward to getting to know the people the Lord will bring into our lives in this new work! 

Please do get in touch!

Yours in His grace
